The Pangea Pop Up by Michael Molina and Ted-Ed

The Pangea Pop Up by Educator Michael Molina and animated by the Ted-Ed Team.

I love the simple and elegant integration of sound geological science with great pop up book tecnology. Paper Engineering does seem to have a magical ability to engage with children's imaginations and learning.

I have spent the last 20 years working with children of all ages and abilites, exploring their creativity through the medium of children's picture and pop up books. There is something about pop up books that really engages with children's creativity.
I have found that they are a great medium to engage with children's creativity and learning through what feels like play. I see the most wonderful creations on my school visits and I am always delighted when a child, not normally known for their creativity, or lacking in self confidence, creates something really unexpected and amazing!  I have had some fun, let me tell you!

It's well worth visiting the Ted-Ed lesson that accompanies this great pop up science book. You will learn more about the geology and have that information presented in a simple and clear fashion. I learnt a lot!

Click here for the Ted-Ed Pangea Pop Up Lesson 

The paper engineering was created by Yevgeniya Yeretskaya, who has some more great pop up books and pop up paper card ideas, as well as more great pop up book videos on her website 

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